What is a Logo?
The logo is nothing but a symbol or text used for quick identification of any company, vehicle or any other product. It is a very important factor in terms of a company’s agenda to make it reach out to its customers. So, Logo is more like a face of a company / organization by which others remember or value it. Logo plays an important role in marketing too.
Use of a Logo:
Logo helps to register the information of a company easily on the minds of public and that can establish a good relationship between the customers and company. It also assures the customers that a company is easily remembered by their logo and that helps the company becoming a brand in less time. A Logo has such great responsibility in creating brands.
The use of logo has been understood everywhere in the world and the organizations started taking care of their logos. This has opened a market for The Ideal Logo Designer in India and many parts of India as well. The companies are trying to keep their logos look simple but also ensure to make a statement out of their logos which requires the Best Logo Design Companies to come up with creative ideas. It is difficult always to convey an action in terms of a symbol and this process requires receiving the best of the logo design companies.
Types of Logos:
A company can make a logo in any form and there are no rules or patterns to follow. There no sciences or theories in logo designing. Thus, it’s as per the wish of a company and they need to maintain proper measures to reach out to the public in the most innovative way. According to latest available methods logos can be made or classified in the following types:
- Lettermark:
These are also called monogram logos. They are simple words or letters which are short representations of a company’s name or work.The name of the company might be large but these monograms are the abbreviated formats of that name which makes people to easily recognise the company.The way the letters are positioned and the font in which the texts are written make a huge impact on the logo. The lettermark is more aligned towards simplicity and the letters in the words are not high.
Example: HP computers, HBO, TCS

- Wordmark:

- Pictorial:

- Abstract Logo marks:

- Mascots:

- Emblems:

- Combination logos:
India too has understood the importance of logo in familiarizing the company to the market. So, India has seen the best logo designing companies in recent times.
The Ideal Logo Designers in India and other Industrial and business rich areas have been receiving huge rewards for showering their creativity in developing Logos.
If you want to get a logo design Ideal Logo Designers can design the best logo.